URSIDAE is a doorway


a woman with glasses in open posture with a heart tattoo on her left shoulder and smiling brightly
a picture of hands with stone rings on their fingers gently holding a large quartz crystal

The seed for Ursidae was planted long ago when its founder, bear hickman, turned to healing arts in search of wisdom, clarity, and personal transformation.

No drama. No manipulation. No miracle promises or programs.

Sessions are confidential and the priority is what is best for you—- and that includes referring to other practitioners if I am not your person or your needs are beyond my professional scope.

a picture of lauren k. hickman smiling and shyly looking down at her hands.

who I AM

lauren “bear” hickman, MSW (she/they

) of Ursidae is an Integrative Mentor. She combines expertise in psychotherapy, nutrition, mindfulness, energy, and astrology to guide others toward holistic change and healing. By reflecting on their potential, clients can align their actions with purpose across all dimensions of their personal and professional lives.

bear’s decades-long journey to becoming a Reiki Mentor-Teacher has taught her there is no overnight fix, no wonder drug, no workshop, ritual, or magic wand that will create instantaneous change. Life shifts in its own time. Healing, integration, and transformation come from within. The process takes linear time and with what tools and integration bear has mastered, she shares her knowledge, experience and inspiration with her clients at Ursidae.


what I DO

  • Established in 2019, these bespoke astrological insights and poetic reflections have been sent direct to your inbox every New and Full Moon

    sign up & see the archives here

  • By request, Ursidae started recording her Moon musings via the Inspired Astrology podcast in March of 2020, evolving into eras of interviews with those reflecting the astrological season, and later combining forces with Jonah Emerson Bell for Full Moon episodes.

  • 1:1 co-regulatory coaching, sans astrology. With Bear’s experience in Clinical Social Work, she specializes in LGBTQIA+, neurodivergent and autism affirming modalities, substance use disorders, CPTSD and those with spiritual or religious trauma. With focus on mindfulness, holisitic and somatic approach to their work, Bear brings a tremendous heart to these sessions.

    the Ferry Ride = 8 sessions

  • Astrology Informed Consultation, the Mirror is one of Ursidae’s Signature Offerings.

    These sessions reflect rather than direct. You know yourself better than anyone and Ursidae’s goal is to magnify that self-directed journey.

    Encompassing: first time natal chart readings; locational astrology; relationships; health/medical astrology; transits & progressions; questions; intuitive counsel and conflict insight. Stuck-ness remedied and feeling seen in times of confusion.

    Interesed in ongoing support, coaching, astrological education? Seek the Lunation

  • Absentia (Distance) Reiki Sessions, another signature Ursidae offering. The Portal hosts the same format and level of care the in-person the Wave session provides: bespoke body-centering meditation, guided Reiki, intuitive insights, nutrition/supplement consult by request.

    In a moment of great transition?

    Seek the Bear. Three days. Three Sessions. Big Change.


    Reiki Moon, thirty days of distance sessions with intermediate check ins for crisis in healing.

    find Reiki FAQs here

  • The Mentorship = Hero’s Journey

    The Mentorship is a 1:1 program designed to change your personal life and professional practice. It is truly my heart’s offering to my community.

    Whether you are a practitioner in the field of astrology, Reiki, intuitive, tarot reader, service practitioner or just a human wanting to start your healing journey, The Mentorship awaits you.

  • If you want to your life to change — here is the door.

    The Initiation is the preliminary step and introduction in to the pathway that is Usui Reiki. This healing system was developed a century ago by the great teacher Mikao Usui Sensei in Japan, passed to his students and initiated Master Teachers that traveled to Hawaii and the US by Hawayo Takata after World War II. This system has evolved through the hands and minds of the lineage holders.

    When choosing to study with a teacher, one must discern if it is the right fit, if the teacher is well-trained and disciplined and if there are steps in training that feel supported, guided and thorough.

    Why Ursidae Reiki Training is Different

    Reik FAQs

    Ursidae’s Manifesto of Service

  • Ursidae’s Bespoke Astrology Reports are 2500-3,000 words, uniquely composed and delivered by PDF.

    Gifts for newborn baby/ children and parents as a “manual” for their child’s unique energy make up.

    A unique gift for graduates and young adults wanting to learn about themselves or ask a question.

    For an adult who prefers to read over a face to face astrology reading.

    For a business partnership, entrepreneurial endeavor or business advice.

    For marriage or commitment ceremonies, gift for newlyweds and couples of all types including friendships, lovers or any deep connection worth the keepsake.

  • Ursidae is currently without a committed space as Bear is traveling. When in Milwaukee, Moving Galaxy Movement Studio is her home base where she provides counsel, Reiki, the Signature Ursidae Offering the Transformer and Reiki Inititation Retreats. In Des Moines, Iowa she works out of the Feminest in central Des Moines hosting healing intensives, seeing upwards of 20 clients during her stays.

    If you are interested in in-person sessions intensives at your spa, Reiki Trainings at your home, studio or business, please contact me directly at hello@ursidae.us

  • Ursidae’s Signature Offering, this two hour session can only be offered in person due the nature of the technique. A powerful combination of astrological insight, bespoke body centering energy meditation and specialized technique accessing the subconscious. Contact hello@ursidae.us if you are in Baja California Sur, Mexico or are interested in hosting Ursidae for Residency. Past Life Regressions are also available by request (in-person-only).


  • Reiki

    Universal Life Force Energy, Prana, Qi, Ki— the essence and animating force of the cosmos has many names. The Usui Reiki Method is but one pathway used to channel intelligent life force energy from practitioner to healee. Reiki is subtle but powerful energy that supports balance, serenity and a potential pathway for self-awareness and spiritual integration.

  • Astrology & Consult

    Astrology is an ancient language of symbols and seasons, a lens to view the nature and varied expressions of existence. Practicing “Inspired Astrology” bear provides a synthesis of intuitive readings with roots in evolutionary and esoteric astrology traditions blended into poetry and practical, down-to-Earth application for clarity and self-acceptance. Mental health is a passion for bear, holding a Masters in Clinical Social Work.

  • Mentorship

    With over two decades of study, practice, and experience, bear is the practitioner’s practitioner, offering mentorship and consultation to other service providers to support their client practice and personal growth. Beyond teaching Reiki, bear offers an intuitive mentorship course focusing on meditation, perception, energy, and wisdom.